The MPEG-4 Video Decoder filter is based on the 3ivx MPEG-4 5.0 Video Core which has been built from the ground up to cater for performance and image quality. Compliant with the latest MPEG-4 Specification, the Video Decoder supports Advanced Simple Profile and Simple Profile video and variants such as XviD and DivX 3, 4, 5 and 6.
The Decoder comes as a DirectShow filter that works with DirectShow compatible players, such as Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, BSPlayer and others. [More]
Video Decoder Technologies Checklist |
Apple |
Philips |
DivX |
XviD |
3ivx MPEG-4 5.0 |
DivX 3 Support |
Multiple B-Frames |
Slice Resynchronization |
MPEG Quantization |
Global Motion Compensation
(3 Warp Points) |
Interlaced Decoding |
Quarter-pel Motion Compensation |
Performance The codec has been optimized to be able to play back normal sized video on early Pentium based computers, while at the same time catering for extreme performance on high end computers such as Pentium 4 based PCs. |
The Video Decoder has been compatibility tested with various MPEG-4 implementations. It can play back footage encoded with 3ivx MPEG-4, DivX 3, 4, 5 and 6, Apple MPEG-4, Philips MPEG-4, XviD, Sorenson MPEG-4, Dicas MPEG-4, MPEGSolutions MPEG-4 and others. |

A COM Interface SDK for the 3ivx Filter Suite is available for our partners and professional clients. An Application Programming Interface (API) is available that allows developers to set the parameters for the various filters.
For more information regarding project development, SDKs and volume licensing, please contact us. |
Getting Started
You can download an evaluation version of the 3ivx Filter Suite here. Technical support is available at the Support Section of the web-site. We encourage everybody to participate in the discussions at the 3ivx Forum.
For Business inquiries, please use the contact form. |
Technologies |
Third Party Filters |
AAC Parser
Playback AAC Files using this Parser and the 3ivx MPEG-4 Audio Decoder, or convert AAC Files into proper MP4 files in combination with the 3ivx Media Muxer. |
Filter Configurator
Using Filter Configurator you can configure any Video for Windows (VfW) codec you have in GraphEdit. |
Channel Downmixer
Mix down Multi-Channel Audio into 1 or 2 channels. Ideal as a pre-processing filter for the 3ivx MPEG-4 Audio Encoder. |
Stream Shifter
In case you have an audio or video clip in which audio is not in sync with video, you can use this filter to shift one of the two streams. |